Setting up PowerVR SDK tutorial

The step-by-step instruction on how to setup the SDK is available here


Initially, I wanted to develop everything in one place, but because the SDK has so many dependencies moving it out proved to be challenging.

Because of that I will code the SDK related part (testing algorithm soundness on emulator) - under the SDK and move it out only after I have significant progress in project. Otherwise I would get bogged down by the task and it would steal precious time.

It seems like I need to set up EGL to run headless (without a GUI) and this requires some hacks on my side, like in this repository.

I started fleshing out the library code, but it is mostly API forming time and not the actual implementation. For this I need to discuss it more with Hunyue and Iain as I have several doubts about the actual implementation.

I am also developing the library testing code under lib/examples for easy testing on the target. As the project progreses I want to show different usages of the API an different solutions in each example. They all build in tree of our project.

I succesfully wrote the modern CMake files, for finding GLES2 and configuring my library as an imported target for future integrators. I based on Pablo’s blog and of course Stackoverflow, as CMake is never THAT easy.

I also tried getting the headless EGL to work, but was met with some blockers on the latest recommended BB image, so I changed the image to one with PowerVR SDK preinstalled and configured, so that EGL works out of the box.